Wednesday, February 28, 2007

Letter to the Blog-o-sphere Teacher

Remember when you were in school and you missed a day, your mom or dad had to write a letter when you returned to say why you were absent? My mom used to write these for me. So, because I've been absent for about 26-7 days from the blog-o-sphere, I decided to write a letter, my mom doesn't know what a blog is so I couldn't get her to do it.

Dear Blog-O-Sphere:

Please excuse Ilnizzzah from being absent. She has not been able to read nor post to blogs because for the past three weeks she has been very busy. Ilnizzzah is taking a graduate course this spring to try and 'work her way' back into being a grad student, she hopes to apply to a graudate program for her PhD in the near future. However, what she failed to realize is that it is extrememly difficult to manage being a new mom, a new home owner, a wife, a teacher, a sister, a daughter, and a cousin and also read 100-200 pages and write critiques that actually make sense. She also did not take into account that she'd have to start a job search because her current employment is about to be over. She was saddened by this, but is now working to start her own business, so as you can see she does have her hands full!

I am not writing to get sympathy, because Ilnizzzah well understands that there are people out there who have far less and have to do far more than she wrap her head around. I am writing just to let you know that she regrets being absent, but had to reset her priorities and hopes to be more of an active participant because she does so enjoy blogging.

Ilnizzzah is working very hard to learn how to balance all of her roles and responsibilities. It has not been easy, but I feel she is making progress.

Thank you for you attention to this,

Ilnizzzah in the *parent* role

If you blog it, it will come......

In keeping with the post from Cheese & Responsibility, “If You Blog It, It Will Come,” these are the things I wish for:

On a Global Front:
*Affording housing. When there are people who live in subhuman conditions, there should not be vacant apartments, houses.

*All children have access to a good education. This means, teachers who are qualified and receive continuing education, are paid a living wage, are given the supplies they need to teach. This also means students are not treated as prisoners in their schools.

*More awareness about what is going on in Africa, the AIDS epidemic, War crimes (rape and mutilation of women, children, men), genocide.

On a More Personal Front:
*For my daughter, husband, and myself to get over these colds/bugs.

*To be able to find a full time job teaching.

*To decide what kind of PhD program is going to work best for me.

*To finish my class this semester with a good grade.

*To gain more confidence in myself.

*To loc my hair.

Friday, February 9, 2007


That's the sound I'm making right now. I just drank too much water and need to burp. I also need to:

bring in the laundry
pump milk
get clothes out for tomorrow
finish an application
write a proposal
respond to email
grade papers
finish a 'fun' book
get babe's toys washed
take a shower
pack babe's bag
prep food for tomorrow
clean the family room
take a shower
find some me time


I haven't posted in quite some time and its because I've been so busy and trying really hard to find a balance between my roles as mother, wife, teacher, student, and er-thing else. I've not been the most successful, but hey, I guess it really depends on how you define success. Babe is well fed and happy. We had her 9 month check up at the doctors this week, she is a nice 24 pounds, 28 inches. Its so amazing how quickly she grows. She also throws mini tantrums, the doc had a tongue depresser and she let babe hold it, when babe proceeded to try to eat said depresser doc took it away and babe threw a fit. Her fits are actually cute (and I KNOW they won't be when she's 2 or 3) but she looks at you then the object and kinda shakes her head then lets out a little yelp. We've been having to really talk about how we want to discipline her. Neither DH nor myself believe in spanking, but we also don't want to fall at the other end of the spectrum, the folks who don't believe in saying no. So, another facet of parentling enters.

I can never say that I'm bored with a babe around. Tonite my mom held her hands and she started to take small little steps. A part of me was so happy and wanting to cheer another part of me wanted to cry. She's still my babe! I just had her! She was so small and wee! Now she poops turds!

Ok, maybe too much info but I'm tired and need a shower because I need to be able to function properly tomorrow.
