Thursday, June 28, 2007


Not too much to say. The ye ole south's heat and humidity has trully zapped my brain.

Wednesday, June 20, 2007

Things My Grandma Taught Me

Kathryn W. Anderson
December 20, 1928-June 20, 2006

1. People are different, but you don't have to be.
2. French Fries aren't good cold.
3. Peanut Butter and Jelly sandwhiches are much better smooshed.
4. Tuna fish is good for you, and you should eat a little meat every now and again.
5. Bread can solve many problems.
6. Eat when you are hungry.
7. Don't talk on the phone during a storm.
8. How to read.
9. Good penmenship is essential.
10. You can change your name if you don't like it.
11. You can be sophisticated and have a gold tooth (or bar).
12. C-sections aren't bad.
13. All that matters is that you try.
14. As long as you get a D its really okie not to ace everything in school.
15. Don't start wearing makeup and you won't need it.
16. Good credit goes a long way.
17. People treat us differently, but keep being yourself.
18. Drive.
19. Always dream.
20. Condoms aren't always trustworthy.
21. Caller ID rules.
22. Eat well and get exercise.
23. Cake and ice cream before bed can help you.
24. If you need to loose weight, stop the cake and ice cream before bed.
25. Drink water, and lots of it.
26. See the doctor if you worry, and don't be 'steetin bout' what anyone else says.
27. Rub your baby's legs so they won't be bowed.
28. Baby massage helps to relax a baby and keep their skin smooth.
29. Sometimes you have to act a little crazy to get your way.
30. Keep your faith, whatever it may be.
31. Don't depend on no one.
32. Keep good credit and they will sell you anything.
33. Go through a drive thru long enough and you'll get free food.
34. Go through a drive thru long enough and you'll forget if your at one for a bank or food.
35. School doesn't always matter.
36. Even with #35, she still taught me how to be a teacher.
37. Remember where you came from, but don't let that fog your future.
38. Follow your heart.
39. Patience.
40. Thoughtfulness.
41. What it means to walk in faith.
42. Intelligence.
43. How to listen.
44. Kindness goes a long ways.
45. Ask questions when you don't know.
46. Stick in the tough situations but know you can always come home.
47. Eat bread when you choke.
48. Vinegar-Whops are good for upset tummies.
49. How to give a Babe a bath.
50. Love.

Love you granny.

Sunday, June 10, 2007

Dreams that surface from Shallow sleep*

I think it must be from the stress of planning a move and going back to school, but I've had the most random dreams and thoughts that surface:

-the other night, I was dreaming that I was getting married again, but had to drive a big ass bus in order to get to my parents house. once there, they had redone their home with nice new windows and central ac/heat (anyone who knows my parents knows very well that this is a dream...the rock radiators and window units).

-I've had random ass dreams about people from high school. like I'm going to lunch with them and having grown-up conversations about life, kids, work, but its weird because its people I've not talked to in like years. at least a decade.

These are just two examples, I try to forget most of them because they are just so damn peculiar. I can't fight the fact that I don't get nearly as much sleep as I should. Not good deep sleep because a babe is still sleeping in the bed with us (we dig the family bed). Babe now turns herself completely around while sleeping which means we have to move around her so that no one falls off. I've also taken to reading before bed again which used to be a really good habit, but now the books I've chosen (just started Zadie Smith's On Beauty and am also reading about snake's in church services in the south...can't think of the title) but anyways... the reading, the watching of late night TV (yikers, I watch Tyra), and reading Babe her books (Mama, Mama, Papa Papa and Olivia) AND the fact that I've been listening to way too much Johnny Cash and Elvis hymns I'm sure is why I've been having such weird dreams.

I hope.

Truth is, I really need to find another outlet for stress and thinking because I'm so bottled up right now, so worried about the move, and how it'll affect Babe and H, and myself and our future and everything that I don't know what to do. I've not been able to write in my journal (paper version) because its just not helping me. Truth be told I've not kept a paper journal now for at least a year. Its not the same. Or maybe I'm not the same, my expectations for writing have changed. It used to be, that I thought I could write myself into feeling calmer and better. If I could just get the shit out of my head and onto the paper I'd be able to figure things out. Then the shit just got so much more complicated that the paper couldn't contain it. Or rather, I just couldn't quite get it down. This blog is the only type of reflective writing I do right now. Damn, its the only writing I do really, outside of lists and appointment notes and stuff. But I guess my question for myself is really just why I don't get that same pleasure out of writing that I used to? Why doesn't it make me feel better?

I'd stopped writing after 9.11 but then returned to it about a year after. My grandma died almost a year ago (6.20) and I stopped writing...well actually before that I'd ended this blog at one point and before that I hadn't been able to write in a consistent way during my pregnancy, again except for the blog.

I don't know. I don't even know what I'm trying to get at or what I'm trying to discover, I guess a new way to look at things and to try to feel better, to be able to put things down--out of my head-- and let them rest some where else while I try to rest my own head.

*from Warcloud's Album Nightmares that surface from shallow sleep

Saturday, June 9, 2007

Week in Review

Just really posting because I've not posted in a bit. Summer is keeping us busy, birthdays, graduations, and moving to CNY.

Babe is walking steady now and dances at the drop of a hat (or sound of a beat). We've been working on planning our move, hoping that it'll be as smooth as possible, but doubting it, or rather not holding our breathe too much.

Last night bro and I went to a slammin (and yes I know that is totally from the 80s) Mos Def concert and had a good time. He's call and response thing was "Don't Stop the Rock...I Feel Good."

Today there was a family reunion on my dad's side and it was rather sad. Not many folks, family is scattered...and its hard to get folks together.

But mind is zapped from the sun, so I'll end this now.

Friday, June 1, 2007


Blog: So, Ilnizzzah, school is out and summer is in! Can you tell us a little bit about your plans for the summer months?

Ilnizzzah: Yeah, well, I'm not sure. I mean, I think (am almost certain) we are moving this summer, leaving ye ole lonely road and heading north. I got accepted into a PhD program for the Fall and I'm...

Blog: Wow! Congrats, but a PhD? Up North? With a 1 year old babe? That is a mighty big step and it sure is aways away from Rivah City.

Ilnizzzah: Yeah. I don't think the distance will bother me too much. It already feels quite lonely here and my family is only like 30 minutes from my house. As for Babe, she actually forces me to be a good student, to prioritize and to know what's really important in life. So I'm not...

Blog: I see. Well, yes, but have you thought about Babe not seeing her grandparents as much? That'll be mighty hard on them and...

Ilnizzzah: We are only about 7 hours away and they are willing to drive up or take a train. So I'm hopeful that either way, we'll get to see them once a month. I've no doubt it will be hard, because we are all so accustomed to seeing one another like every day, but this past year has turned everything upside down on its ass, with my granny passing, General just passed, our move(s), things just aren't they way they used to be. I'm hoping this move will bring about a change for the better and I'm sure that you.....

Blog: Yes, change, but you know, sometimes you don't handle change too well. Seems that it stresses you out, in the past I've thought often that you are a creature of habit who...

Ilnizzah: Well, creatures can also learn new behaviors as well, you have to in order to survive. There are a lot of things I've done in the past year that I'd never done or thought of doing before. I'm game for this.

Blog: So you think this is just a 'game'? You do realize you are asking your family to relocate, move out of a house, and...

Ilnizzzah: You certainly are a sprite one. NO. I don't think of this as a game, but I do realize that sometimes you can't plan everything and when a plan unfolds for you, if it feels right and can better your condition and your family's sometimes you have to trust and proceed as the way comes.