Sunday, September 30, 2007

another word

dirty. she said my shoes were dirty.

Saturday, September 29, 2007

my dirty little secret

In order to get through some of the readings for my classes, I drink lots of Pepsi and eat m & ms.

more words tonight

moon, and apple

update on the vocab

this just in....a babe has added the following to her repertoire:

apple, Oscar, spoon, shoe,

it just doesn't stop. she's spitting words like my man mos spits rhymes.

Babe word count

It just occurred to me that I've been spending all of this time in school studying language (how we acquire it, what it is, how we teach it, blah blah blah) but I've not posted an updated account of the words my Babe now has!
It seemed like something just turned on in her little head and she's been just talking. We now have the following in our babe vocabulary box:

Babe, Me, Cookie, Big Bird, Grover, Elmo, Ernie, book, juice, ABCD, No

But she also now really has the ability to make conversation with you and to follow play. We might be sitting on the floor with her toy giraffe and I'll say, "Let's see, do you think he'd like a snack?" And she'll go and start pulling out different shapes of block and line them up on her plate. Amazing.

Just watching her play is also the most coolest funniest thing in the world (yes, I am going to get a PhD and I use those words


Now I know why so many language theorist studied their kids and wrote.....see, having a babe or toddler can be very beneficial to your academic career.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Not much better

Today sucked ass. I'm starting to get sick and now I'm fearing that if I do I'll fall behind in the work that I've got to get done. I was thinking that I was a bit ahead..or that I might be able to work ahead this weekend, but my throat is on ugh mode.

Everything is hard. I'm just in a major complaining mode. And there's not much reason to be this way unless I'm going to learn or do something about it.

Right now..I'm gonna go to bed.

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

This is what I need

Tonight I need the following:

for babe's cold to go away.
a big plate of greens and a veggie burger with sauteed onions, or a portabella mushroom burger.
a cold glass of sweet tea.
to feel confident about what i'm doing.
to have mos def and ole school marj j playing in the background.
to have a hot shower and my hair on point.
my skin well greased, not so i shine, but so i'm shinin'.
my bro and mom around.
dad in the background yelling with a cig.
the tv showing repeats of the brady bunch.

This is what I have:
a babe with a runny nose.
a bowl of nachos.
lukewarm gingerale.
anger about my power(less)ness.
wrestling moves being called from the tv.
a bath with my hair on E
pimples from stress, strech marks, and no good lotion.
no mom. no bro.
no background dad speak.
no tv.

I miss home. i miss the familiar. i miss my old routine.
i'm sad.

Sunday, September 16, 2007


My disappearance from the blogosphere has not been intentional. As the family has moved from the ye ole south to the ye ole north for me to become a student again, we've had quite the experience. Some things I will come back to and talk about, others I won't. Not out of fear but just because I plain ole don't want to bring back yucky vibes and feelings.

Let us just say that for now we are still working on settling in. Its amazing the things you take for knowing where the music store is (and what time it closes), having a good mall, knowing where to get your groceries, knowing where the bank is, where to find cheap gas, and just overall having a place that you feel like you can call home. I'm really big on space. Maybe its because I've always had issues with space, like I never really felt at 'home' when I was at home, only when I was at my granny's house, and then when DH and I first got married and had our first apartment, that felt like home. If you peruse back through some of my posts, I also took issue with the 'home' that we built/reconstructed in the country. I had issues with being able to claim that space.

Well...that's a different story for a different day. But, we are settling into our space and trying to claim it as our own. Babe already has, every room is hers, filled with books, toys, clothes, and her new favorite things: shoes. We went shoe shopping last night with my mom (oh yeah, we came back to the south for a visit this weekend..I know...I should be back reading...but everyone needs to step away...) but anyways..we went to get shoes, her feet seem to outgrow shoes/socks about every three months. She tried to take every shoe off the shelf and hold it up to her foot. Thankfully, the people in the shoe store were really nice, it probably helped that my mom, aunt, and I were busy trying to put everything back the minute Babe would jerk it down.

Babe truly has a personality of her own. She is very bossy and sassy and I use those adjectives in the best of all possibly ways. She commands attention and knows how to express herself very well. Her vocab consists of: Papa, Dada, milly moo (milk), Big Bird, Cookie, Hi, and Bye. Its like one day something just turned on and she all of a sudden was just talking.

Like right now, the babe is calling she wants to read her Big Bird book, again. But its the best thing.

"Memory is a way of holding on to the things you love, the things you are, the things you never want to lose." - Kevin Arnold