Wednesday, January 18, 2006

baldhfsdfoiusfdhsfsoijfs Week 24/25 Update

The title of my post describes exactly how I feel. I've got so much going on this week, and heck the next 3 months, I don't even know where to begin anymore.

Most of what I need to do now, involves prepping for the little one who is due to arrive in three super-short months, February doesn't even give me a full 30-31 days! My doctor's visit this past week revealed that my stomach is growing and growing and growing. She is moving more and more each day and in really weird positions that sometimes cut off my breathing. But the best part of it, is knowing that there is a tiny little person in there. The worse part, just the waiting and worrying. I am a worrier by nature, but now not only do I have myself to worry about, but also this brand new person! I worry about whether or not she'll have all her fingers/toes/eyes/ears/nose, whether she'll enjoy school, will she like to read, will she want to date at age 12, how will I keep the bad people away from her, and the good folks close? She's not even here yet and I panick.
I do try my best to control this panick though, because I don't want to pass along any of these feelings of angst to her. For now, the womb is a small, safe, warm environment. She'll have enough to deal with when she bursts into this world. Did I say burst?

We haven't started talking about what kind of birth we want. That seems to be the hot topic amongst many pregnancy groups, What kind of birth do you want? Uh, one that is pain free and leaves me ready to go to Disney the next day? What kind of birth do you want?

Many folks in my prenatal yoga class have done it before with no pain meds and say that yoga and breathing was all that they needed. Then, there is the medicated bunch who say that there was no way they could have gotten through it withough meds and lots of meds. I don't know where I fall with this yet. I have never been one to run to medicine or pain killers, for years I sufferred with menstral cramps that would knock me out for a full 8-10 hours. But I've never had to face the prospect of hurting for so long and then needed to have the energy to push out a living creature. I guess I've still got some time to decide on that one...

I want to up my yoga but can't find another class right now that fits into my schedule, though I just might have to create time, I feel like the more I get up and move around the better off I'll be. I just can't believe that time has gone this quickly already.

My stomach is not ultra huge, but I do have problems reaching my legs now to shave. So there, too much info for you!

***Note, I say 24/25 because the way I count my weeks (per the doctor) actually means that I begin a new week in the middle of a 'regular' week***

1 comment:

Anonymous said...
