Wednesday, December 6, 2006

Lonely People

"All the lonely people, Where do they all come from?
All the lonely poeple, Where do they all belong?"

Sometimes you feel loneliest when you are surrounding by people, things, motion.
I think that its out of brokenness/lonliness that you can learn and move. There is a real chance that I won't have a job, the job I love after next Summer. But I'm not even stressed about it. Like normally I'd be freaking out and trying to make plans upon plans. But I'm not feeling that way at all. I think this was the last push I needed to make some real changes to my life that I've been afraid of.

I tend to be so afraid of failure that I don't move at all. But inside all of this motion, this chaos, I'm finding that standing still is even more scary than if I were to try to move. So I'm choosing motion.

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