Sunday, December 17, 2006

Reason #39 2006 needs to move on out

It has been quite a week, or end to a week, as technically Sunday starts a new week, I think.
Babe and I were in an accident on friday afternoon, trying to get home with cleaning supplies and stuff, as we're trying to still move in county house. County house is still not ready and we now have to deal with the accident stuff.

But what I have realized during the past 48 hours is that nothing really matters as much as I once thought it did. Or rather things matter in a different way than what I once thought.

I am so glad the semester is over now and that we are moving soon (I hope, we've had 3 or 4 different move-in dates now) because I'm really charged with starting afresh.

My head is still cluttered but at least now I feel like I know how I might begin the decluttering process.

The accident plus a call from a far-away friend on Thursday helped me to realize what kind of thinking I need to have and more important want kind of practice I need to have.

orthopraxy is my new word. not just right speech but right action.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I think your dream the other was a precursor to what happened Friday. Like, it is going to be okay.
