Friday, March 2, 2007


Last night I got even sicker. I woke up, or rather couldn't sleep and had chills and a fever. At some point I bumbled into the bathroom and tried to take a shower. I had what my bro and I call the 'shakes.' The shower worked for a little bit but then the fever went up and broke at some point during the night because I woke up and was soaked, my hair, shirt, pants, the blanket I'd wrapped myself up in. It was miserable. I also had a 'fever dream.' I don't know if any of you have ever experienced this, but it happens sometimes when you have a fever and are just having really weird dreams. In the dream someone was trying to get me to deliver a package and walk a straight line while doing so. I was freaking out and trying to hide. Weird-o.

Yesterday I submitted my first piece for publication. I won't know until a while if it was accepted, the editors seemed interested, but who knows. I'm not holding my breath. It does feel good to know that I did at least have a deadline and was able to meet it.

On the job front, no word yet from anywhere. I'm not really worried yet, I think that because I've been an adjunct for so long (frown, I know, mistake it is) {look at me doing Yoda}, I've always kinda had it looming that maybe I won't get classes for the following semester, but semester after semester I did, sometimes I'd be teaching six courses, two American lits and 4 freshman comps at two different institutions. So, because I got used to the steady flow of work I never really thought it would stop, well now it has. After this semester I don't have any courses, any where. What's weird, is that I'm not scared at all, or worried. I realize I don't have any control over policies or hiring (especially when I KNOW I'm a damn good teacher-no big playah pants there, its just the truth). I've been toying around with starting my own consulting business for the past year and maybe its just time for me to do something different.

I must now fix myself a cup of chai with soy milk and eat a mini pound cake slice.
Small pleasures.

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