Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Status of me Listings

Now this is my new list (items removed = things DONE)

My list:
Get rid of my two ingrown toenails. (I know, gross, but they've been bothering me for like 2 weeks and I've not had the time to sit down and take care of them properly).

Take a shower (get rid of callous on foot).
***All of the above most be completed before I can move on the following***

Draft of final paper.
Get books and articles I want to use for my final paper.
Check off final paper requirements for class.
Put books away.

Not bad...some of the other things will just have to wait until tomorrow now because I'm too tired...but I'm feeling like I got things a bit more under control...uh...maybe

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

less time blogging

more time doing

yes, the inference is that blogging is not really doing