Tuesday, June 28, 2005

paula cares

Paula Abdul is trying to get nail salons to not be grimy! I support this 100%. I like going to the nail shop to get manicures, but I always take my own equipment with me, I don't trust them to clean the materials they use...though I guess I should question whether or not they are still washing their hands between customers. Quite a few times, I've seen the nail salon folks NOT even wash out the pedicure bowls before they allow another cusotmer to hop right on in. Gross. After seeing several shows on tv and reading about women getting horrible infections from icky pedicure bowls.
Keep those toes clean and safe!

feeling angry

I don't know...I don't know why I bother, putting my feelings into words right now is even frustrating. Because I have a year before I begin my Phd program and because my husband really needs to go from full time work to part time work, I need to find a full time job. Now, this normally isn't a super difficult thing to do, but for the past few months it has been.

I've applied for two teaching positions and was rejected from both. I've applied for numerous jobs as a secretary and I've been told I'm not qualified. I've got about 5-6 applications out now, and haven't heard anything just yet. I do work now, but its part time with no benefits. Because of our $ situation the past few months, we really need for me to work full time, but its so frustrating because it just doesnt seem to be happening. I've got a part-time/short class that ends in three weeks and then I have about one month before my fall classes would start again, so I'm hoping that during that time period I'll be able to find something.

I am thankful for the fact that DH has been so supportive of me while I was in school and not complaining about me working part time in order to get more teaching experience, because lets face it- being an adjucnt is NOT a way to make a decent living. Now, I want to pick up the slack and I also want to help earn more so that our move is smoother.

I'm just worried.

Sunday, June 26, 2005

feeling confused...

okie, so i thought i'd be able to catch on rather quickly to how this blog thing works, but i dont thing thats going to be the case. when i hit "post" or "publish" how come my work doesnt show up?
went for a little drive today

will post more about it once i figure out if i learned how to use the html tag thingy to get a picture up!

why do i do this to myself?

it is way late. way late. i've got about 6 more papers to grade and i want to force myself to finish them. its almost like when you've only got three or four bites left on your plate and you feel like you have to finish. well, i want to finish but its after 1am. i promised students that i'd get them some feedback by sunday night, which means i've got plenty of time, but i was in hopes i'd be done so that i could just enjoy my sunday w/out having to read papers. at this point, i can think of a number of reasons why i should stop-the first being that all of their papers are starting to look alike. the second being that i have a headache. bad teacher

Saturday, June 25, 2005

blogging stuff....

right now i am motivated to write, and so when i feel that need i try to satisfy it. i feel like blogging about tv. i dont get a lot of time to watch television right now because of my work schedule and all the other chaos that surrounds me, but when i do watch tv there are some shows that i *always* make time for.

the first on my list, Good Times. i remember this show from watching it as a kid while it was in re-run mode, and i enjoyed it then, but i think i now really have come to appreciate what this show did. the show started in 1974 and i've wanted to write about it for some time now, because the more i watch it, the more i belief that this show did a lot to help admonish the stereotypes that surrounded african-americans. i've gotten into arguments with family memebers about this who disagree, but here's my argument:

-yes, the family was living in the projects and yes, they were poor; however, they had a strong family unit, good kids, and were constantly trying to work to get out of their situation. they didn't sit around 'enjoying' the spoils of welfare living, many eposides dealt with the difficultly of living in those conditions and getting out. for me, this show worked hard to deflect the negative stereotypes that were associated with african-americans. in a lot of ways, i think this show does more than sitcoms now-a-days.

me blog!

all the folks sing, "back in the days when things where cool.....

i am startin this blog for many reasons:
*i've been meaning to start documenting my transition from adjunct life to grad school phd life
*i want to have an 'outside' writing environment, separate from my journaling
*i want a place to write where i can connect to others in the Blog-0-sphere atmosphere

so, when i got an email from a friend who is moving and she suggested we start our own blogs, i decided to jump into the conversation!

i'm not exactly certain what i'll do here. i've had blogs before but they usually only last a couple of weeks before i'm sick of them. i did have one that lasted a bit longer, but that fell off after school ended, so if i get really savy maybe i'll find a way to link the two, or just let that one go and start afresh.

i'm not making any promises that this will always be a 'smart' blog, 'academic' blog, 'family' blog, 'chatty' blog, but for now, its just me blog! and i'm promsing to write at least once a day...i've just got to figure out what i want to say....