Monday, July 18, 2005


this evening DH and I said bye to a really cool couple headed to Hawaii for grad school. The husband is a painter (and a very awesome one at that) he was ever so kind to give us two paitings, I'll post a link to his website as soon as I can. The wife was a good friend, we went to graduate school together, graduated together, and have taught together for the past two years.

they lived about seven or eight blocks away, so really in the same neighborhood. now they'll be miles and miles and miles away from us. i will miss them.

we are at an age now where most of our friends are either settling down (marriage, house, kids) or moving on to try different things, several of my friends from school are leaving this summer for graduate school in the fall. we still have one more year before we head to CNY and its hard because there aren't lots of folks around (well, my family counts) but still, its like the feeling you had as a kid, when everyone's parents came to pick them up from school, but you are the last kid on friday evening to be picked up. yah know your parents are just don't know when.

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