Friday, September 23, 2005

8 Week Prenatal Visit

My first pre-natal visit. I felt like I was signing up for the military, all the questions, forms, sticks, tests, pricks, yikers, but it is over and all is well. Very well.

I am weighing in at....172 lbs! I can't believe it, well, yes I can. Too bad none of this is baby fat, but all my own. Its okie though, the baby will have much to snack on. hehehe

We had an ultrasound done, no one told me it was the kind where they have to insert something, ugh, I was in for quite a shock when the lady handed me a wand and asked me to cough. Well, she didn't ask me to cough. My shock subsided when I was able to see a tiny moving speck on the screen, one baby, with one heart beating at 184 beats/min. Amazing. No words to describe it. The ultra sound tech turned the sound up on the machine and I thought I was listening to my own heart beat, when she told me it was the baby's I could not believe it. I have two hearts beating inside me and I'm not on Ripley's Believe it or Not. Amazing.

We had to answer tons of questions about our health and histories, and then we got to ask tons of questions, like:

-What about constipation?
-Just how much should a pregnant woman eat?
-Is it bad to want ham and fried eggs? *Please note, I did not eat fried eggs and ham, I will not eat them, Sam, I am. (couldn't avoid that)
-When will the morning sickness end?
-Just how bad is stress and anxiety for babies? *Please note, I am doing yoga and about to start double doses come January.

They finally let me go after two hours of testing, questioning, three vials of blood, and a bag full of freebie baby stuff.

Now I have two baby pictures. Both show a gorgeous kid, and smart too. I can tell already, this baby is going to be the world's next rhetorician!

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