Friday, October 7, 2005

An Open Letter to Those Folks Who Write Pregnancy Books

I am writing because your books are pissing me off. You might chalk that up to whatever chapter you have on being 'hormonal' and having 'mood swings' but I beg to differ. I'm just pissed. I'm angry because lots of what you say is very difficult for women like me to do. Who am I you may ask? Well let me try to give you a mental picture:

-I am a woman in her late twenties.
-I work a full time job and a part time job in order to be able to afford decent housing conditions.
-I have a husband who also works a full time job and goes to school full time.
-I do not have a maid, nor do I have members of my family who can come over and clean and cook for me because most of them work full time jobs with families.
-I am educated and I do want a healthy baby and pregnancy but I think that some of the information given and some of the folks who have pregnancy related courses are full of pooh.

Now, why pray tell do I think that way? Well, the fact remains that some of the advice given is good, very good, and extremely useful, but some of the suggestions given are not for us working folk.

For example, 'take frequent naps to avoid feeling tired during the first trimester.' How is someone who works 8-5 supposed to do this? I mean honestly, yes the solution makes sense. If you are tired, then take a nap. But its not feasible for working folk to do that.

Also, another favorite, 'take yoga and exercise classes to help your body,' well that's just fine and freakin' dandy but most of the classes are offered during the week during the day! Who may I ask is this catered to? Not working folk. I was fortunate enough to find a yoga center that actually has Saturday prenatal classes (but there is only ONE).

I'm not angry b/cs I have to work (which I know some people might think) but I am angry that some of this stuff presupposes that you aren't working, or can flex your time so that you can participate.

Where are the books on the working woman's guide to pregnancy? Where fore-art-thou?

And I am NOT hormonal.
I hate that word.

1 comment:

Tree of Knowledge said...

Do you read pregnancy blogs? Like this one: