Saturday, October 22, 2005

So You Wanna Be Startin' Something?

I can remember a time when Michael Jackson was my everything. I had posters, stickers, jackets, gloves, records, and I even did a curl in my hair (though I must admit that came much later than when Micheal did his). But tonight, I'm feeling nostalgic and listening to the Thriller cd and allowing myself to get swept away in 1980s Michael, when the weird things about him were actually cute.
I find that I get in these moods of wanting to go back or remember old things when I feel most down during the present. I'm very unhappy with work, worried about the upcoming move I've got and am just going through so many changes at once that I feel like my head is spinning, but I remember a time when I would go to Pizza Hut on Friday night, listen to MJ on the jukebox, eat pepperoni pizza, drink coke, and everything was ok. I know I was a kid and I know that life is complex and blah blah freaking blah, but I just find those memories so comforting right now. At a time where there is just so much going on and I feel so not comfortable, I think about things like those Pizza Hut nights.
But its weird how memories can come dancing back in your head, sometimes you look for them and sometimes they come on their own. Another example, today I went to McDonald's (I know, but hey, I'm three months pregnant, thats my excuse) anyways I was taking a sip of my iced tea and there was just something about the straw and the drink that took me years back. McDonald's has always used really wide straws with the yellow and red on the sides (I think I got the colors right, correct me if I'm wrong). But the tea and the straw just made me think about going to McDonald's as a kid after school. And all these memories rushed back, in no particular order: eating after school at my gma's house, my grandpa's truck, dancing to MJ, playing in the backyard. I love it when things like that happen, but only when the good ones come rushing back.

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