Wednesday, November 2, 2005

i have decided:

i dont want to feel like gregor anymore.

any suggestions for the following prblems?:

1-still feeling worried about managing a baby and a phd

2- still worried about moving miles y miles away

3-hating the work i do

4- tired and don't feel like i can catch up with the housework, workwork, schoolwork, and movig prepwork.

5-having a hard time making one decision and sticking w/ it,

but i do know this much is true, idont want to eel like a bug anymore.

1 comment:

Tree of Knowledge said...

Solution #1: It's super cheesy, I know, but have you thought about writing a journal/letter to your baby? You are after all doing a lot of this for her/his future. maybe putting it that perspective will help you see things more clearly.

Solution #2: No more Kafka! Reread the Harry Potter series or The chronicles of Narnia or anything fun.

Solution #3: netflix. or Blockbuster. Buts lots of comedies.

Solution #4: Go to the zoo this weekend (or at least soon). You've got 3 within a two hour drive, and one will even let you pet giraffes. Another has baby pandas.

Solution #5: (5 problems, 5 solutions, that's how I work) Cry. Just let it out, break down, and cry like a big ole baby until you feel better. A good cry can change a lot.