Friday, October 6, 2006

The babe is becoming more mobile. For the past 3 weeks she has been rolling herself over. She does this every oppotunity she gets, its especially fun when changing a poopy diaper.

Tonite, I'm feeling lonely and sad. We are rushing around like mad to get the county house in order so we can move in. My classes are moving slow and I'm missing not being in school. More than anything, I'm missing my granny. She would have been able to help me prioritize house stuff and she'd have known just what to do to soothe the babe's gums from teething. I miss her awful. My bro and cousin were talking about her tonite, just how she always knew just what to do and to say. Her cancer made the last 2 months of her life so horrid, bit she stayed so strong and beautiful to the end. She had to be the strongest person I've ever met in my entire life.

I feel like I need to do something to really honor her life, her legacy, but I'm not sure what. I've been thinking of organizing a walk or something, just something to do. I felt so helpless for her at the end and I miss her so much now, I just need to do something.

And on rainy nights like this, when everyone is sleeping or busy I think of her even more.

The babe keeps me going though it never fails that on nights when I feel really alone, she always either wakes up or stays up and we end up dropping off to sleep together, that helps me not to feel so alone.

Babe is fussing now so I must tend to her.

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