Wednesday, October 18, 2006

In my house...

County house is trying to break us, not financially, but mentally. We've been fortunate in that we have got some good deals for folks working on the house. We are trying to do a nice job with the restorations, but we don't have thousands of dollars to put in this. However, mentally I think we are all suffering because we don't have a home. We are staying with my parents, most of our stuff crammed either in the babe's pack-n-play or in my mom's old room. We haven't been able to cook a decent meal in months and can't run around in our underwear (babe included because my folks believe in having a babe dressed in layers).

I am hoping that things wil really start to come together after this weekend, the thing is I keep finding myself saying that. After this weekend we should have this done, after this weekend, this, and so on. But really, I am hoping that we can see some change after we work again this Friday and Saturday.

I can't complain too much though. My folks are letting us stay here without giving them any money and they do cook (lots of fried this and fried that, *smile* they are true southerners with their soul food). But I have to admit there has been something comforting about eating in that way. I started eating meat when I was preggers with the babe. Most days, early on, my taste was so off I didn't know what to eat. Then I found Subway's Turkey sub with cheese and LOTS of vinegar. Oh my Lord, I would eat them twice a day. Thus began my transition back into the world-o-meat. I still don't do pork or beef though. But my parents pretty much eat whatever. My mom fries chicken, fish, makes porkchops, roast, a little bit of er-thing.

The past few weekends when she's made chicken or fish, I 've found that my spirits have been higher and I think its because we do turn to food for comfort. And right now that is really what I want.

Wish I could get that served deli style.

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