Sunday, December 3, 2006

Random shit on eyes

When I was about eight or nine, or maybe ten, but young, young enough to still play with dolls and not care what others thought, I had a friend from school spend the night. Her family actually knew my family, our grandmas were friends or old neighbors, or something. Well, this girl's father died right before she was born. It was a sudden death, he was found drowned in his car in a ravine. I don't think anyone knew how it happened exactly. But she had been told stories about her father and his death, and the fact that her grandma never got over it, and I don't know how you could, now that my grandma has passed I understand what its like to loose someone and actually have a visceral reaction. But this girl would say really odd things, like she could see ghosts, around us. Needless to say, I was a bit spooked out.

So anyways, she came over one Saturday night to spend the night and we played with my dolls and stuffed animals in my room. Things would be fine and then she would proclaim she could see something or feel somebody. Later I went back and told my mom and grandma this and my granny remarked that the girl, "just won't right, she'd been marked by the death of her father." I thought something was odd about her, I mean I'd always liked playing dolls and enjoyed a scary story, but there was just something about her that made me feel uneasy. We were up in my room and playing with a huge stuffed animal that I had, it was like a pink dog or something loud and big. I tossed the animal up in the air and stretched out on my back on the floor to catch it with my feet (the acrobat in me). When it came down, something small from it, dust, dirt, I dunno, scratched the cornea of my eye.I rubbed my eye hard and turned my face over, shaking my head, hoping to get it out. She stood up beside me and got real upset when I started tearing up. I wasn't crying out of pain, my eye was just watering because there was something in it. We went downstairs to tell my mom what happened and she helped me to rinse my eye out with water. It felt better, but I still felt like my vision was blurry. My mom's answer for most anything sick related is to get some rest, so we went to bed early at that slumber party.

The next day, my eye still wasn't any better so we went to a patient first or some shit like that and they put this dye into my eye and shined a special light over it to show if there were any tears or ruptures. Sure enough whatever had fallen off that bear had torn a spot on my cornea. They gave me drops and had me wear an eye patch. Like a pirate. A real black patch.

It was a Sunday when that happened, and I remember my mom needed to go to the mall afterwards. I feel unsure now when I think back to how old I was, because I know damn sure that I was quite embarrassed to walk around that mall with that patch. So I guess I was old enough to have some awareness and care, but not too old to play with toys, or pretend I was a pirate.

I never had that girl over my house again. Her stories scared me and the fact that she saw things in my room that I couldn't bothered me even more. My vision didn't stay blurred for long and I got rid of the patch after a couple of days. I wonder what she sees now.

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