Wednesday, December 27, 2006

Walk it Out

I'm ready to walk this damn year right on out.

20 Reasons why 2006 needs to get the boot.

1. My grandma died RIP GMA.
2. My great aunt died, RIP Clementine.
3. My great uncle died, RIP Wilbur.
4. My uncle died, RIP KEE.
5. James Brown died.
6. Babe and I were hit by a dump truck, we are thankfully o.k.
7. The job I had the first part of the year sucked ass.
8. My apartment floor erupted and I had to evacuate within 48 hours.
9. My brain has been so loopy I did a suck ass job at teaching.
10. My teaching job is running out.
11. I didn't go to school.
12. My grandma died.
13. My grandma died.
14. Poverty.
15. War.
16. My grandma died.
17. My grandma died.
18. My grandma died.
19. My grandma died.
20. And last, because my grandma died I lost me.
But with all of that said, I know that out of this pain and hurt I felt in 2006 I also saw some very beautiful things that I think, or rather I hope I can learn from.

1. My beautiful daughter was born.
2. A 15 hour labor that resulted in a complication free c-section taught me patience and how to let go of worry.
3. Watching my grandma with cancer taught me compassion and patience, and a faith that withstands all. She was beautiful.
4. Seeing family members around me loose so many taught me that we really don't have much to hold on to beside our family.
5. Having my babe taught me that work really does not matter nearly as much as I thought it did.
6. Babe also taught me that if I do have to work, I want to make sure I'm doing something outside of the home that is worthwhile and helping others, in the same spirit my grandma lived in.
7. Not having a home and being displaced for 2-3 months taught me that its the small things that matter, late night tea drinking, walking from the bedroom to the bathroom in just your roos.
8. Being hit and in the accident taught me how much material objects just really don't matter.
9. Having a home now taught me how important it is to make roots where-ever you are.
10. Not going to school this year was the best thing that could have happened to me. I learned that I really didn't know what in the hell I wanted to study, nor did I understand the importance of balancing theory and practice. Orthopraxy. There's that word again.
11. With so many of my plans moved and cancelled I've learned that while you have to make some goals for yourself you also have to make room for God to step in as well.
12. I've also learned that writing is important for me. I avoided blogging and journaling for quite some time, but not writing my problems or writing about what I was feeling did not make things better or make things go away as I'd thought.
13. X (because there is still so much unknown and I'm welcoming that).

I'm going to try to welcome 2007 even if it means letting go of so much I held on tightly to in 2006. I'm also thinking about going back to the old way of doing things, because I seemed to get so much more done that way.

Think. Paper. Ink.

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