Thursday, March 1, 2007

I am ill.

There are horrible colds, viruses, and other assorted bugs running rampant. Our house has been sick for the past week now, first it started with DH. He had a bad cold, headache, stomach stuff, etc. Then babe got horrible fevers, now a cough that she actually seems amused by. Yesterday, I got sick. My throat was scratchy and today it felt like my sinuses were swollen.

When I was young, my sick routine was to eat grilled cheese, Ramen noodles, and hot coco.

Today I craved apple juice and drank the entire gallon of apple juice we'd bought for wee babe. So I managed to get some clothes on and take a trip to Target to get more juice.

My head hurts and I've been writing this paper for the past 2 hours.

Must finish.

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