Saturday, March 31, 2007


Babe and I were napping together this afternoon and I was just awakened by the smell of poop, not from Babe or myself (thankfully) but from dog who we have started to let have free roam of our house now that boxes have been put away and doors can actually be shut. Well, dog poohed in the Babe's room on her rug! Someone forgot to shut that door and now I've got to clean up in there. This is now forcing me to clean up around the rest of the house as well. I usually take one evening to just clean from top to bottom but because our schedules have been mad crazy I've not done that in quite a bit and now just clean as I go.

We bought a riding lawn mower today, it will arrive on Tuesday and we'll begin the other fun side of home-ownership, yard work. I know that sounds sarcastic, but I don't mean it to, I actually like working in the yard, making clean neat lines, piles, putting colors together, watering, raking. Its weird because I hated it when I lived at home.

I have also waited until the very last minute to do homework that needs to be done today and so I will have to goad myself to now work on this.

Question for self: If I feel so stuck and unhappy here (in country, in Rivah city, with what I'm doing) why is it so difficult to get motivated to do things that would help me to be able to move forward and move out of this condition I'm in?

Answer: I don't know

Must clean.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

piles in the yard = OCD of Ye Olde Lonely

piles on the rug = random blurbs of an old man