Saturday, June 9, 2007

Week in Review

Just really posting because I've not posted in a bit. Summer is keeping us busy, birthdays, graduations, and moving to CNY.

Babe is walking steady now and dances at the drop of a hat (or sound of a beat). We've been working on planning our move, hoping that it'll be as smooth as possible, but doubting it, or rather not holding our breathe too much.

Last night bro and I went to a slammin (and yes I know that is totally from the 80s) Mos Def concert and had a good time. He's call and response thing was "Don't Stop the Rock...I Feel Good."

Today there was a family reunion on my dad's side and it was rather sad. Not many folks, family is scattered...and its hard to get folks together.

But mind is zapped from the sun, so I'll end this now.

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