Thursday, July 5, 2007

Things a Babe can Do

Because I've not posted an updated list on things my Babe can do.....

1. Say dada to Dad and to me.
2. Dance.
3. Squat to pooh, still in the diaper, but I'm not wanting to introduce potty training just yet, she's only 14 months.
4. Sing (la la la is her favorite).
5. She realizes that the remote control controls the TV and likes to turn it off. We are very happy about this.
6. Kick the ball down the hall to her room.
7. Feed herself.
8. Wash her face.
9. Point to her toes and noes when asked where they are.
10. Put on her Dora shoes.
11. Identify Dora.
12. Run, well its more of a fast trot, but it can pass for running.
13. Give hugs when she first wakes up in the morning.
14. Negotiate not taking a nap, she does this by pulling out tons of toys and books so that it takes forever to clean up.
15. Sit on the porch stoop.
16. Walk up stairs with help.
17. Color, books and the floor are her favorite canvases.
18. Turn around in circles.

She never stops amazing me. I was just reading Dooce's post, on her daughter's developments at month 41. I used to read Dooce's postings before I had a Babe and it always made me want a babe. Now I have a Babe and I can understand why its so important to find a way to record all the things your babes do, because they do them so quickly and soon they become normal, just a part of your routine and then one day it catches you off guard, the fact that you don't have to carry them everywhere or that they can tell you when they are pooping and you wonder when it changed. Like I don't remember the exact day that Babe started to squat and rub her belly to let us know she'd taken a pooh. Or I don't remember exactly when she started to learn that she had control over things around her, could make her toys move, could make us laugh, could wave and get reactions from strangers. But sometimes I just watch and I'm amazed that she is really becoming her own person. Its really a beautiful thing to be a part of.

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