Saturday, September 29, 2007

Babe word count

It just occurred to me that I've been spending all of this time in school studying language (how we acquire it, what it is, how we teach it, blah blah blah) but I've not posted an updated account of the words my Babe now has!
It seemed like something just turned on in her little head and she's been just talking. We now have the following in our babe vocabulary box:

Babe, Me, Cookie, Big Bird, Grover, Elmo, Ernie, book, juice, ABCD, No

But she also now really has the ability to make conversation with you and to follow play. We might be sitting on the floor with her toy giraffe and I'll say, "Let's see, do you think he'd like a snack?" And she'll go and start pulling out different shapes of block and line them up on her plate. Amazing.

Just watching her play is also the most coolest funniest thing in the world (yes, I am going to get a PhD and I use those words


Now I know why so many language theorist studied their kids and wrote.....see, having a babe or toddler can be very beneficial to your academic career.

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