Wednesday, October 5, 2005

If your happy and you know it...

I loved that song when I was a kid, "If your happy and you know it, clap your hands!" (clap) (clap)

Its too bad that as adults we don't do more showing how happy we are, especially at work. Maybe thats because for most of us, work is not a place where we are happy. I think about all of the sacrafices my parents made for us (my bro and I) and I'm amazed, but I'm learning to see and understand them. My dad worked for 30 some years in a job that I'm sure at times he didn't give a fuzzy rat's ass about, but he did it so my bro and I could go to great schools. Just imagine though, what it would be like if you were able to work, love it, and get paid ( a fair wage)for what you do. Can that happen? Is it possible!

I think about that a LOT now, especially because I'm now working in a field that really isn't my area of choice. But I do it because I have to do right now and I'm okie with that. But I do dream about one day having the job I really want.

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