Wednesday, October 12, 2005

Its not easy being green

The past two days have been a bit rough for me. The combination of pregnancy-morning craziness-work-teaching-and trying to orchestrate a grand move alongside the grand entrance of un bebe is driving me crazy.

I feel like I've got so much to do, and that's because I do have so much to do. The one class I'm teaching is reaching a critical point in the semester which means I have to dedicate more time to them. Work is going okay, but I'm just not accustomed to being in one place for so long each day. Anybody seen the movie Office Space? I'm the guy who beats up the copier. Working in an office is very different from what I did in the past, very different. There are certain things I've had to learn and things I'm trying to learn. I have found though, that I do prefer the classroom. As for the morning stuff- I spoke to soon when I said that I was feeling tons better. Yesterday morning was rough and this morning was even rougher. I just wake up with this miserable green feeling in my stomach and mouth ( I know that's weird, but I associate feelings with color, so bear with me). Its not until about 9 or 10 AM that I actually feel better, like a normal functioning person. This makes it very hard b/cs I have to get to work by 8AM and most nights I'm not able to go to bed until 10 or 11. On the rare occasion that I can go to sleep at 8 or 9, I wake up feeling much better.

But, this to shall pass, or that's what the books tell me.

I need a vacation. In a nice warm climate. With good cold iced tea. And good books. And a huge plate of fried chicken with honey b-b-que sauce and a side of collard greens with vinegar. And brownies and chocolate cake for dessert. Oh, and a pot pie would be nice.


Anonymous said...

I love pot pies too :)

Tree of Knowledge said...

it's warm here... I make killer veg chickn'n'dumplins'