Tuesday, November 29, 2005

hard times

I'm having a hard day. Yesterday was a bit scary. I kept feeling this weird tingly sensation under my right boob. I'd noticed it over the weekend, but couldn't tell if it was really something or just me and my crazy ole head. But yesterday I noticed it again when I was at work typing. So I called the doctor and they were able to get me in right away. Strangely enough, I wasn't nearly as worried as I thought I would be, I was only slightly-panicked. The nurse got the baby's heartbeat again, took my urine, blood pressure and had me to sit on the table to go over my symptoms and wait for the docotor. Dr. came in and felt around, poked and prodded only to tell me that because of my growth spurt (tummy, boobs, etc) and my posture, I'm probably cutting off blood to a nerve in that area, nothing to worry about he says. I just have to constantly remind myself to sit up straight. That is hard.

Its also difficult because I'm having to sleep on my left side now. Or my right, but the left is better they say b/cs this is a way for the baby to get more blood and nutrients from the placenta. Prior to the pregnancy I was totally a tummy-back sleeper. Sometimes I wake up and catch myself and panic because I've flipped over on my back. So what I've done now is to put lots of pillows around me on either side, makes it almost impossible for me to turn over without kinda waking myself up a bit to readjust and get the pillows right, which makes me think twice about sleeping on my back/tummy and gets me to sleep on my side. However, as a result of this new side-sleeping endeavor my side aches and feels all crampy.

Okie- so I feel guilty for so much complaining, lets try to balance this out.

Good: Baby is healthy.

Bad: I hate work.

Good: Work allows me monies to save for un BeBe.

Bad: My left side feels like a lumpy old tree.

Good: The Baby got plenty of fluids and nutriets last night while I was sleeping.

Bad: I hate doctors and yesterday panicked when I began to think about going into the hospital for birth.

Good: If I can continue with yoga and keeping myself fit, then I might not have a bad labor.

Bad: Labor is meant to be work intensive.

Good: You get a baby out of it.

I'm trying!

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

doesnt sound like you are trying... sounds more like you are succeeding. Keep it up!