Wednesday, November 30, 2005

How Amazing...Week 19

It does not seem like it should be week 19 yet, I feel like it was just Saturday morning and I woke up knowing that I needed to take a pregnancy test. That could not have been 3 and a half months ago.

That day my life changed, and it was so weird, so odd. I'd been feeling moody and grumpy, but attributed it to my period starting, PMS. But the period never came. One Saturday morning I woke up after the weirdest dream* and just knew that I needed to take a pregnancy test. I had one, because I'd had a moment or two before where for a minute I thought I might be, but wasn't. So, I got up, went into the bathroom and peed the stick. Within two minutes there were two lines. Two lines.

H was stretched out asleep on the living room floor, and I immediately woke him up. I didn't shout or yell, it was just a hushed, "H, I think I'm pregnant." He was groggy, but got up and stumbled into the bathroom with me. I had to get a second opinion on the pink lines. After we both decided it was pink, we then decided we needed to go to Target and get at least 2 or 3 more tests, just to verify.

I think what shocked me the most about the entire thing was just the fact that I felt no different physically. I was my same self, just with PMS symptoms, but other than that just fine. That lasted for about two weeks only, then the morning sickness began to settle in.

Now, I'm 19 weeks along and feeling pretty darn preggo. My body is changing right before my eyes, its so weird when I look at myself now, because its like my face, but the body is just weird, different, bigger.

An interesting aside:

My mom and H were talking before Thanksgiving about how 'well' they thought I was handling the pregnancy. Both seemed to be relatively shocked, due to the fact that I had not panicked a great deal and was handling things like doctor visits, getting blood drawn, and the prospects of labor pretty well. They then went on to discuss my weight gain. I've put on a total of 10 pounds. They both agreed most of the weight has gone to my boobs.

That I'm sure, was a weird conversations. Husbands and mother-in-laws should not discuss wives/daughters boobs.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

mentally noted