Saturday, August 26, 2006

Things that are Weird

1. Not being able to get good iced-tea anywhere but in the South. Don't other people drink their tea syrupy sweet?

2. Not having traveled enough to actually make the assessment made in number 1.

3. Having a baby who acts like a 40 year old.

4. Seeing random folks who were the shiz-it in school; but who are now struggling to just get by. The fall of the superhero.

5. Teachers who float into your life and then out.

6. Having those same teachers talk to you in a very un-teacherly way.

7. Missing Friday nights where the highlight was eating pepperoni pizza and drinking diet coke (especially because now you don't eat pork and are afraid of the chemicals in the soda).

8. Teaching at the same place you went to school. Sometimes I forget and feel like I should be sitting at the small desk, not the big desk.

9. Reading about random people's lives and caring about what happens. I mean really caring, like staying up when you should be asleep because you have a babe who will wake you up for milk in another 3 hours...if you even have that long.

10. Blogging.

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