Tuesday, October 31, 2006

no words and all words

I'm feeling a lot of different things today and I'm too tired to put full words and sentences around the feelings, so pardon me while I clear my throat with splurges:

-guilt. had to teach all morning and then work all evening, still working (kinda, bit of a break). as a result the babe had to get lugged around with me, feel bad she didn't get to do her normal rountine, had to be outside a bit too much. worried about her cold.

-tired. so. tired. work at the county house. work at my parents house. just work. but can't get ahead. would take me a solid week of working to get ahead. not even talking about housework, but being caught up on the bills and balancing our spreadsheets for all these home repairs.

-work. did i mention i have an article STILL to write? and cfps that i would really like to respond to? and that i'd like to take one class in the spring, but damn if i can't keep shit together now, how can i do it with a class and teaching? and the fact that i want to write...so badly...again.

-eating. not eating the way i should. DH needs to eat better, we need to do it for the babe and we need to exercise. i hate exercise. no i don't. i hate not having the time to do it. i hate making excuses.

-anger. i get angry at myself. at mil. at random people. for no reason. no, i take that back, i do have a reason, most of the time its because of myself.

-county house- ugh. county house. where fore art thou county house. i know where you are, and its coming along slowly but surely, but so slolwy. oh so slowly.

Another week with so much to get done. I need to get organized. i have 3 calendars i'm working with. and none of them work.

Guess who I am for Holloween?

The boogy. woogy. wonder woman

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