Sunday, October 29, 2006

coming clean

I got a much needed haircut yesterday, a total of 3 inches. This is the shortest my hair has ever been and I'm really enjoying it. I've never been one to really put too much into hair, makeup, etc but sometimes its just fun to be pampered. I really wanted to do something different with my hair so the stylist gave me a Chinese bob. I like it.

I realize my posts have been kind of sad, but it seems that as the holidays draw near I'm missing my gma so much more every day. I also went to a funeral last week, my uncle passed (also from cancer) and so I think I've just got death on my mind. Some days I have to fight myself to remember the good days I had with her, and not just her last 3 sick months. Its so hard, I never imagined it would be this way. But the one thing that makes it better is the babe.

Babe some how is intune to what I need. As much as I might think she doesn't understand, she certainly proves me wrong. At just over 5 and 1/2 months I'm in awe of how much she is growing and how smart she is, and I'm not bragging here. She enjoys music, reading, and flipping over. She is brilliant!

My haircut and the babe have actually made me feel much better these past two days. My head feels lighter and my heart warmer with her.

The county house is still being worked on...hoping that the plumbers will come this week and restore working pipes. Hoping the sheet-rocking will be done. Wanting to get more paint. Ooo! and order appliances.

The haircut has done me some good.

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