Tuesday, November 7, 2006


" Some beef is big and some beef is small, but what ya'll call beef is not beef at all, beef is real shit happening everyday..."

-> Mos Def

Today at county house shit hit the fan. My uncle is working and doing most, if not all, of the remodeling on the inside. He's African-American. Believe me, that will be very relevant info in a few sentences. He drove out to the house like he has been for the past 4 weeks he's been working there. Two white men in a pick-up truck followed him, pulling out from around a corner in the subdivision. They drove to the house and parked and got out when he did. The conversation that ensued went something like this,

White man: What you doing 'round here?

Uncle: Working on this house.

White man: We don't want none of your kind round here.

Uncle: What are you doing bout mayne?

White man: I got kids in this neighborhood and I don't want your kind around here, I'mma call the cops.

Uncle: I can save you the time and trouble, becuase I'm gonna call the cops on you! This ain't right, I'm here to work.

More stuff said, white man got back in his pick up and so did uncle and all drove away.

Its fucking 2006 and some bigots have the audacity to try to fuck my shit up? They have kids and don't want 'his kind' around? I got a kid and I damn sure don't want her to be round no racists ass shit. I know its inevitable, I know, I know, I know, that no matter where you live there is going to be some kind of ism, but its goddamn 2006 and someone has the nerve to pull up on some shit like this? I'm in awe. Just shocked.

But maybe I shouldn't be. I live in the South, I've had people scream racist shit to me and DH as we walked togheter to school, and that was like 6 or 7 years ago. We've gotten stares, not been seated at a restaurant, had folks purposefully not serve us, and even had 'family' try to run game on us.

I'm not letting someone fuck up my place, where I want to plant roots and nuture my family for right now.


How can they try to have me running before I even get there?

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