Wednesday, February 28, 2007

If you blog it, it will come......

In keeping with the post from Cheese & Responsibility, “If You Blog It, It Will Come,” these are the things I wish for:

On a Global Front:
*Affording housing. When there are people who live in subhuman conditions, there should not be vacant apartments, houses.

*All children have access to a good education. This means, teachers who are qualified and receive continuing education, are paid a living wage, are given the supplies they need to teach. This also means students are not treated as prisoners in their schools.

*More awareness about what is going on in Africa, the AIDS epidemic, War crimes (rape and mutilation of women, children, men), genocide.

On a More Personal Front:
*For my daughter, husband, and myself to get over these colds/bugs.

*To be able to find a full time job teaching.

*To decide what kind of PhD program is going to work best for me.

*To finish my class this semester with a good grade.

*To gain more confidence in myself.

*To loc my hair.

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