Sunday, March 18, 2007

I'm working in an office...

my own office here at home. Because I had a Kafka/Gregor Metamorphosis moment and decided that I no longer wanted to feel sorry for myself or feel angry because I don't have a teaching job. So, I got up and decided to start a business. I know, random and weird as it may seem because I'm not the "Trump" type, I'm more the "Nutty Professor" but hey- a woman has got to do what a woman has got to do and that's to help put food on the table and pay for this house so I've started a consulting business and am trying to woo my first client.

Different, yes, but still it involves teaching (business communication/vocational ESL) and it allows me to plan and do lots of work from home.

I am the fourth person in my family now to start a business and I'll admit it has not been easy. I had to do a lot of soul-searching and reflecting and it took me getting really angry and really sad in order to move forward with this, but I am. And I'm glad.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

nutty professor

maybe it can be daddy day care

norbitt is already in the family (think jean jumper)