Monday, July 23, 2007

Smoke stacks on isle 6

I wanted to make a pasta salad for dinner tonight. The heat and stress have just zapped my brain and tummy, so I thought a nice cool salad and tea would be great for dinner. Babe and I decided to go to Walmart with my bro to get the pasta I needed. We were on the pasta isle, six, when we started to smell cigarette smoke. I looked around and as neither my bro, nor I smoke, I tried to figure out where the smell was coming from. There was a little old man standing in front of the canned meats with a cigarette. Just puffing away. I gave babe to bro so she wouldn't have to be in the smokey cloud and told him to go find a manager and let them know this dude was smoking away on the pasta and canned meat isle.

I felt a little guilty at first, I don't know why, maybe its just he was old. But then I started to think about it, he shouldn't be smoking in the first place and second, it was a non-smoking space.

Smokey the bear was whispering to me that I did the right thing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

canned meat and smoking go together... they are probably about as healthy