Sunday, July 22, 2007

stressed out of me mind

I should go to bed now. should take a shower, rub my scalp with oil, and climb into bed with my HP book. But I'm not. Instead, I'm trying to google to find pics of how really REALLY bad the weather is in the new place we are moving. I'm trying oh so very hard to think of all the bad things that can happen when we move (car troubles, a non-sleeping babe, weather, illness, lost items, money troubles, work problems). I am also trying to make lists of the lists I need to make. I am also troubling myself with trying to prepare to teach a class that I know I can teach but have told myself will for some reason be oh so different from anything in the entire world.

Yes, I should force myself to go to bed because my anxiety's now have worries and nothing is helping. I think I have sat at this computer for too long, read far too many blogs, eaten too much ice cream and chocolate bar.

It also does not help that because last week my DH went up yonder to find us a home in the new west, babe and I had to stay with my parents (not too big on staying out in the country by our lonesome). So, that means babe is totally off her schedule. My parents spoiled her with toys, frozen fruit treats, and juice. She is still awake, normally we'd all be in the bed now. But we're just off. Off. Like Alice in Wonderland off.

Oh my god, I'm so stressed I'm out of my mind.

I am going to bed.


Anonymous said...


people that make lists may only make lists and not do other things like live, sleep, eat, love and poop

Anonymous said...

warning v 2.0:

people that make lists might be able to be taxed, breathe and die but that is only three things other making lists