Tuesday, October 2, 2007

say my name...say my name

last night I'd had a really hard time. Monday's are my long days, I'm practically on campus and working for 12+ hours. so last night, dead tired and just wanting to sleep, i climbed in the bed with babe. we read our customary books and then i hoped she'd nurse and drop off, she didn't. instead she started talking, much of it her normal gibber-gabber but then she said mama! she said mama and hugged me and i felt so good. the best i've felt in such a long time.

in one of my classes we just read a theorists who said that (and i'm doing a horrible job of paraphrasing here,) but basically that babies when they first talk, speak in sentences not just words. because within that one word there is so much other 'stuff' or language going on, but because they only have one word-they have such impact. that one word last night was all i needed.

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