Saturday, February 2, 2008

what came first?

As you can tell ye ole internet and any other readers whose attention I may have grabbed...
I'm having trouble with motivation. And it just dawned on me tonight that I don't know where this came from exactly, but I've got some ideas. Its lonely where I am, I've got DH and babe, but we don't really have anyone outside of ourselves here. I go to work. I come home. I do home things (which I enjoy the most). I follow our routine. I go back out and do it again. On the weekend, with the very limited monies and no real activities around us (not such a warm friendly space) we tend to stay in. This means I feel compelled to work and often babe and DH are just as frustrated as I am with this.

We are bored up here. I am having a hard time staying focused.
I am scared....

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