Saturday, November 11, 2006

Da easter Bunny

When I was in elementary/middle school (grades K-8, because in Catholic School thats how we did it) I performed in musicals. We had a music teacher who loved doing fall and spring productions. You had to be in the choir to participate and I because I was totally overzealous and liked to participate in everything, I was in most of the musical productions.

We did everything from Fame, to The Easter Bunny Who Couldn't get Sold, To the 'Greatest Gift'. We even had costumes. Well, sort of, most often they consisted of the choir wearing black pants and white blouses, or white pants and red blouses. You get the picture. One year I remember we did a particularly big number for our School's Spring Festival where we sang the theme song from Fame and then did a medley of Gershwin. At the time, it was just fun, and something to do. But looking back at it I can see how our choir director was really introducing us to all sorts of different music, and that was good for a school that had a majority of poor african-american kids.

We would practice like everyday after school for weeks. Singing, learning dance moves, and practicing our cues.

I have a confession to make: I never sang a note. I would lipsync the entire time because i was too afraid to sing, but loved being on stage.

One of those things that makes you go, hmmmm.

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