Monday, November 6, 2006


Well, we now have pipes in county house and door too! Its hard to believe, if you looked at the house now you'd be like, this is not that bad, it couldn't have possibly been as bad as you say, but oh yes it was!

Its almost 2:30 and I have not gotten much accomplished at all. Woke up at 9:30 with babe, watched some Seasame Street and then climbed back in the bed around 11:00AM and now I'm just getting up. I don't feel too guilty though because babe didn't go to bed until 2 last night.

I'm not letting myself stress over her sleepin habits today, as long as she does get some rest and eats and poops and pees, I'm happy.

Now I'm working on my final presentation for the little prep writing class I'm teaching, I'm so glad that's almost over and done with.

I gotta say, today is a good day.

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